

Allergy:Abnormal response by the body to a food or foreign substance.

:Substance that relieves depression.

:Substance that relieves rheumatic problems.

:Substance that prevents viruses attacking the body.

:Painful inflammation of joints tissues.

:A preparation where herbal drugs are soaked in liquids (mainly water) fermented and filtered. Sometimes, natural alcohol obtained from herbs is added to expedite fermentation and enhance efficacy.

:Spasm of the bronchi in the lungs, narrowing the airways.

Ayur Hand Made Soap
:These soaps are hand made from start to finish with great care. The process of making hand made soap is very different to commercial soap making. We take special care in curing (maturing) the soaps, and when ready, each piece is individually cut and wrapped. You will love the combination of Ayurveda ingredients, spices, essential oils, these soaps contains. Some are created for specific purposes, such as massaging soap, foot soap, hair soap, while others are created for their scent, texture, and colour

:The word ‘AYURVEDA’ originates from the ancient language of Sanskrit, ‘AYUR’ meaning ‘LIFE’ and ‘VEDA’ meaning ‘SCIENCE’, therefore, ‘SCIENCE OF LIFE’. In Sanskrit, this word has a wider meaning, which includes the life of plants, animals as well as other living beings.

The Ayurvedic medical system is known as the most complete healing system throughout the world. The magnitude of what this means and the body of knowledge it encompasses are yet unknown ant not so fully understood in today’s society. In short it can be described as esoteric in its nature.

Ayurveda Oils
:Ayurveda oils are one of the oldest traditions of Ayurvedic remedies. For centuries the people of the Orient have been applying massage oils to keep their body trim and to tone their muscles. These oils are blended according to ancient time-tested formulae to provide a unique purity and goodness, and to balance the three doshas. These Herbal Oils are made only from Ayurvedic plant extracts and are void of any artificial colours, preservatives, or animal fat.

Ayurvedic medications
:Ayurvedic medications are mostly herbal preparations and some include natural mineral preparations. All herbs or minerals possess the following properties according to Ayurveda.

:: RASA Taste
GUNA Quality
VIRYA Potency (Heating or cooling effects)
:: VIPAKA Effect after digestion and metabolism
:: PRABHAVA Specific power of the substance

In general, all herbs have the power to increase or decrease the three doshas, Vata, Pitta or Kapha, to different extents and in different combinations.
Classical Ayurveda applies theory into practice. Firstly, by diagnosing an alteration of Dosha State, the physician will then prescribe suitable herbs in single or combined form, with the appropriate dosage to control ailments.

Body Massage
:Body massage is always given with different types of oil depending on the body type (i.e. vata, pitta, kapha, or a combination). The massage can be performed with a combination of strokes including tapping, kneading, rubbing, and squeezing. It is very beneficial for general rejuvenation, skin and musculoskeletal conditioning or problems such as obesity, body aches, and pain. Sharpen memory reduce body fat, improve skin tone and enable peaceful sleep.

:Infection of the bronchi, the tubes that take air to the lungs.

:IExcessive excretion of the phlegm from the air passage.

:Condition where evacuating the bowels is infrequent and difficult

:Condition whereby the pancreas produces little or no insulin, resulting in a high blood sugar level that could lead eventually to a hyperglycemic coma.

:Frequent evacuation of loose (watery) stools

Elixir - Arishta
:Elixirs (part of the oldest traditions of Ayurveda remedies) based on Ayurvedic plant extracts are matured in Teak vats for 45 days for effective purity and goodness. The Elixir is used to balance the three doshas. Is void of any synthetic ingredients or preservatives. No added alcohol

Essential Oils
:Ayurvedic essential oils contain the scent of the flowers, leaves, stems, roots or bark from which they come and have been used as perfumes for thousands of years. Apart from their pleasing aromas, essential oils are valued equally for their potent cosmetic and healing properties. They are said to fight infection, speed healing, reduce inflammation, soothe away tension, improve concentration and lift depression, instilling tranquility to body and mind.

:Inflammation of the stomach lining.

:Allergic reaction to pollen causing inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.

Head Massage
:When oil is applied to the head, it gets absorbed into the scalp through the roots of the hair. This nourishes, lubricates, and strengthens the hair roots and the skin of the scalp preventing hair loss and premature greying. It improves circulation to the head, relaxing the muscles and nerve fibres. This helps to refresh both the mind and the body, relieving tension and fatigue and improving the complexion.

:Condition where falling asleep is difficult or impossible.

:Kapha - water and earth, the main function of is to maintain healthy body tissues and maintain the balance of fat, water and other fluids.Those with Kapha dosha tend to be leisurely and stable. When balanced, Kapha creates calmness, sweetness and loyalty. When excessive, Kapha can result in greed and attachment.

:A decoction; the herbal materials of bark, roots, leaves, fruits and flowers are cut, sliced or powdered coarsely and one part of the amalgamation is boiled in four, eight or sixteen parts of water and reduced to one part.

:This is a sub-section of Ayurveda, which entails five different types of activities aimed towards detoxification, mainly for the prevention and control of diseases. They are:
:: Virechana – Purgation Therapy
:: Bastis (classified as Niruna and Anuvasana)
:: Herbal and/or oil decoction enemas
:: Vamana – Emesis Therapy
:: Nasya – Inhalation
:: Rakta Moksha – Blood letting

:According to ancient vedic scientific thinking, all matter in the universe is made up from no matter to matter, which is constantly changing from one form to another. They are known as ‘PANCHAMAHABHUTA’. The five elements are: APO, THEJO,

:This means the five basic eternal substances – skasha (space), vayu (air), agni (fire), jala (water), and prthvi (earth). The Ayurveda theory of creation believes these five eternal substances to be responsible for the creation of all living beings. These are the ultimate substances from which the material world is derived.

:Pitta - fire and water responsible for the generation of body heat and metabolism and certain psychological attributes of the individual. People with Pitta dosha are vivacious, smart and determined. If Pitta is balanced they tend to be warm, understanding and intelligent. Excessive Pitta can however, create irritability, jealousy and aggressiveness.

:The human constitution has been given a psychosomatic entity in Ayurveda, and the term prakrti is used for defining the same. This prakrti has been discussed in relevance to the tridoshas, and based on the relative preponderance of each, the constitution has been divided into seven categories – vataja, pittaja, kaphaja, vata pittaja, vata kaphaja, pitta kaphaja, and samdoshaja.

:Any painful disorder of the joints tissues

:Pain in the lower back, usually a sign of some other problem, like a slipped disc.

:Fomentation therapy given to patients after massage or snehana, to prepare the patient for the main panchakarma treatment. Swedana is done in a wide variety of ways depending upon the disease, the condition of the doshas, and the patient.

:According to Ayurveda, illness occurs when the natural proportion or balance of the three doshas - vata (air) pitta (bile) and kapha (phlegm) is disrupted. Threepala, a time honoured Ayurvedic formulation, helps to harmonize these doshas and maintain body rhythm. The stomach is the powerhouse of the human body. It digests the food you eat, produces blood-renewing hormones, and provides the energy you need to activate body functions. A breakdown of this digestive system is the root cause of most diseases of the human body. Our diet is high in fat and cholesterol, because of the junk food we eat. These foods increase the acidity of the stomach and create bowel disorders such as gastritis, ulcers and constipation.

:Lymph tissue at the back of the throat.

:The type of therapy that aims at improving the virility of a man is known as Vajikarana. These agents are a separate class of drugs and the main object is fulfilment of the desire to produce progeny by improving the virility.

:Vata – air and space initiates and promotes biological activity responsible for all internal and external movements of the body. People with Vata dosha tend to be thin, light and quick in their thoughts and actions. Change is an important aspect of their lives. When Vata is balanced they are creative, flexible, enthusiastic and lively. However, if Vata becomes excessive, we may develop anxiety, insomnia, or irregular digestion.

:To unite or to integrate, i.e. the union of individual soul with the supreme soul. In the ultimate sense, this system helps in the physical, mental, and spiritual development.

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